Friday, February 02, 2007

From the mouth of babes

Allen, 3, went to the grocery story with his dad. All through the grocery
store Allen asked questions, every one starting with the query "Daddy?"
Allen was very talkative and asked what seemed like a million questions.
When they got to the check out, the line was very long. Allen continued
with his questions, asking, "Daddy?" to start each one. This question and
answer session was entertainment for the other shoppers, who were bored
with waiting. Finally, Frank, tired of answering yet another question,
told Allen not to call him "Daddy" again. Allen sat very quietly for a
few moments. Then there was a quiet little, "Father?"

* * * * *

Quinn, 2, saw a picture of the Statue of Liberty. She pointed to the
picture and said, "Look, Mommy -- she has to hold her ice cream up so Tyson
(the family dog) doesn't get it!" -- Angela Cox (mother of Quinn) of Lee's
Summit, Missouri

* * * * *

Being pregnant can seem like a never-ending experience, especially for a
little boy waiting for a new brother or sister. Jonah, 5, was watching
his mother go through her maternity clothes and he told his father
that, "Mommy is sorting out her eternity clothes!" -- Neil
Grepke (father of Jonah) of Kendallville, Indiana

* * * * *

Rose Ann tells about a friend of hers who was driving to a wedding reception
with her son, daughter-in-law and her two small grandchildren. They were in the
car after the wedding, on the way to the reception, when the youngest said,
"Daddy, are we on the way to the conception!" -- Rose Ann of South Lyon, Michigan

1 comment:

HLiza said...

I love all these stories! Kids never fail to amaze us, don't they?

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