Saturday, October 21, 2006

'...we got married to stay married'

As always, the discussions at Modestly Yours are intriguing, thought-provoking and a welcome change from popular culture. Something by blogger Alexandra Foley --

By not having divorce on the table, my husband and I have an excellent incentive for making this work and growing through the problems without contemplating finding a new spouse. However, NOT getting divorced does not mean that our marriage is taken for granted because there is always the possibility that we could separate and live apart. So both elements --treating the marriage carefully because it is fragile and yet not worrying at every step one is considering trading in the other for a newer model -- helps us to take our marriage vows seriously and live in the peace that these vows offer.

With these thoughts in mind, I read an article in Glamour about Faith Hill, where she says, "We have disagreements, but we got married to stay married. If you didn’t want to walk the same path or believe the same things, it could be difficult, but if you have the same goals you can get through bumpy moments. It’s remarkable to have someone walk beside you as you grow and change; it would be nice to see [marriage] that way instead of it being a major challenge."

Full blog post at Modestly Yours

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