Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Cleaning up the grocery check-out lines

Campaign Works to Remove Sexually Explicit Magazines 7/6/2006
By Molly Hamrick

Check-out lines display them for children and adults.


Morality in Media (MIM) and the American Decency Association (ADA) are trying to do something about the sexually explicit magazines that line grocery-store check-out lines. They have renewed an endeavor that started in 1999 to prompt grocery stores around the country to put a stop to these explicit displays.

"Now that we have candy-free aisles for parents who don't want their children exposed to unhealthy stimuli as they go through the grocery check-out lanes, smut-free aisles are long overdue," said Dr. Janice Crouse, Senior Fellow at Concerned Women for America’s Beverly LaHaye Institute.

The presidents of MIM and ADA sent a letter to 558 supermarket executives on June 27, saying: “A captive audience, regardless of age, shouldn’t be required to pass through a gauntlet of smut to purchase necessities, and children shouldn’t be able to purchase smut anywhere.”

They asked the supermarket executives to “either cover up the sexually offensive headlines and photos on the front covers of magazines displayed at check-out lanes or to display them elsewhere.”

Read the whole thing at Culture and Family Institute

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