Sunday, June 25, 2006

Urgent adoption need

From Mommy Life

Time is running out for James, a sweet little Chinese boy with Down syndrome on whose adoption hangs the fate of other such children in China.

Listen to this from the social worker handling his case:

China officials have not offered children with ds for adoption before because they do not believe people would want them, they put James up because many people advocated for him to be offered.

But, the officials have decided if he is not put on hold (basically meaning picked) in the next six days [by July 1], they will pull him back and he will remain institutionalized in China permanently. And - they will not allow any other children with down syndrome to be offered for adoption - period!

Adopting James will not only make a difference in HIS life, but in the lives of the many other children in China with DS who are left in orphanages and institutions their whole lives. He eeds a home so badly.

I know that international adoptions are costly, but a donor has generously agreed to fund his adoption.

If you, or anyone you know has room in your/their heart/home for this cute little guy, his contact information is below. Please pass this along to any ds list you are apart of!

More information at A Helping Hand

Remember, funding for this adoption has been promised, so money is not an obstacle.

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