Friday, April 07, 2006

When it's BIG MONEY they want, they'll say anything

No introduction can fully express how I feel about deception, especially of this kind -- and all for what?


I promise another post, one that brings positive news, by the end of today.


• "If a girl decides to carry her baby to term, ... clinics don't make any money. They make money only if she has an abortion. So, inevitably, clinics put pressure on women to abort." -- Carol Everett, who once owned and operated four lucrative abortion clinics.

• "Nita Whitten, who once worked in an abortion clinic, says she was trained by a professional marketing firm in how to sell abortion over the phone. The main tactic abortion clinics use is fear. The phone operator asks the girl how late her period is and then tells her, 'You're pregnant.' Not 'You might be pregnant,' but 'You are pregnant.' When a girl calls, Nita says, the object is not to help her; it's to 'hook the sale.'"

• After the abortion, the girl is given free birth-control pills since, on the pill, she's more likely to be sexually active. But since young people often do not remember to take pills consistently, there's a good chance the girl will return to the clinic pregnant again. As Carol Everett puts it, "birth control sells abortions. Abortion is a business. A big business that uses slick marketing tools." read more

Full story here

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