Wednesday, August 09, 2006

For him and her

This one I have got to share with you.

On the ModestyZone blog, we usually discuss modesty among women (of course, with all of us being women!) but we all know that modesty is an issue both for women and for men. I’d like to discuss one particular aspect of the immodesty among men that I’ve noticed recently. And I’m sure many women in the Modesty Zone community can relate. Let’s say you’re walking along the street and up ahead you see a group of guys or just one guy who seems to be paying an inordinate amount of attention to you. So you try to ignore him and keep walking but just as you’re passing, a guy yells out (quite rudely), “Ay, girl!” or some other remark to express how much they want to “get” with you. Or, instead of saying anything to you, they might just give you “the once over”- that quick look from a guy whose obviously checking out the shape of your body.

Some women might be flattered by this type of reaction- maybe as an affirmation that they really are attractive- but I find it to be obnoxious, unwanted, and really immodest and ungentlemanly on the guys’ part. When I’m walking on the street, going to work or to lunch or even to Mass, I’d rather not be bothered by such comments. Instead of being a compliment, it’s more like an insult as if the guys don’t know how to approach a woman properly. I refuse to hearken back to the “good ol’ days” when guys were chivalrous and respectful because in every age, you can find incidences of disrespectful behavior toward women. But, is it too much to ask for these guys to be more modest in their comments toward women?

The comments are something else (comments from readers and/or other bloggers, that is) and certainly worth checking out. Go see for yourself; you'll know what I mean.

This piece, titled "Immodest Men," is from Modestly Yours and written by Nene Kalu.

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