Sunday, April 27, 2008

What do you do...

...when you see a mother hit her child in public?

I was in a children's clothes store last week and within arm's length was a mother seated on a chair rummaging through some items on sale, with her little daughter in front of her. The mother seemed to be busy checking out some clothes, while her daughter was probably talking. I was nearby sifting through dresses from a rack.

Out of the blue was a loud smacking sound. Out of the corner of my eye I saw the mother's hand swing and slap the little girl on her arm. But it came so unexpectedly because there wasn't crying, whining or any kind of ruckus from the child that could have indicated something like that slap coming around.

I looked at the two--the mom had her back to me; the girl, on the other hand, looked back at me, with that sad, embarrassed look. I sure pitied her but I didn't know what to do. She didn't even cry as a result of the slap, but her face was a picture of sadness.

Meanwhile, the mother continued surveying clothes while muttering things like "sinabi ko sa 'yo huwag kang pasaway..."

I lingered a bit, not really interested in the clothes anymore, then walked out of the store. I was sad that I had witnessed what just happened, but I was even more sad that I didn't do anything -- and didn't know what to do -- to help the kid or the mother.


petrufied said...

poor kid. but getting in between them does feel awkward.

...but i wonder if a stranger's butting in can give a mom a wake up call she won't forget?

sunnyday said...

I was thinking of the second point too, but if she suddenly picks up a copy of the mag and sees my photo, who knows if her reaction will be "mga pakialamera pala ang mga taga-magazine na ito!" Yikes.

Let's pray for that mom because that's all we can do for now =)

HLiza said...

I hate the scene too. The most I could do will be to stare at the mom with an angry look and walk away before she confronts me..I just need her to get a mesage that it's not acceptable in public. Kind of sad too when I start thinking about what may happen at home.

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