More Than 25,000 Teens Rally in S.F. Against “Virtue Terrorism”—Next Stop: Detroit
Fueled by Their Faith, Teens Mobilize BATTLECRY—Taking Stand Against Pop-Culture Forces Contributing to Teen Sex, Drug Abuse, and Suicide
DALLAS, March 27, 2006—Some forty years after rebellious youth started a cultural revolution rejecting rules and boundaries, American teens are once again challenging societal norms. Only this time, the young rebels are in “reverse rebellion.”
“We’re sick and tired of pop culture telling us it’s cool to sleep around, dress like tramps, get high on drugs and alcohol, and behave badly,” said 18-year-old Amanda Hughey from Orange County, Calif., who has joined the BattleCry movement and rallied with more than 25,000 other teens at AT&T field last weekend. “Life is not MTV, and if we continue to live like we’re starring in those outrageous music videos, our generation is doomed.”
Read more at Battle Cry newsroom
What is Battle Cry? It's a national movement of hundreds of thousands of teenagers in the United States organized by Teen Mania. Unlike the youth of the 1960’s who were determined to do away with all rules, teens of today recognize that boundaries can protect them from those who want to take advantage of them. If society won’t set the boundaries, they will! An initiative of Teen Mania—one of the world’s largest youth organizations—BattleCry is a national movement of hundreds of thousands of teenagers who, fueled by their Christian faith, are taking a stand against the pop-culture forces contributing to the unprecedented spread of STDs, drug and alcohol abuse, violence, and suicide among the teenage generation.
Schedule of Battle Cry for a Generation events:

Addendum: Lifesite came out with a news report about the San Francisco Battle Cry event. An excerpt:
The Board of Supervisors of San Francisco, citing the city’s tradition of “tolerance,” issued a statement condemning the rally as an “act of provocation” by the “anti-gay,” “anti-choice” organization. Despite the sold-out venue and the enthusiastic response of the young people, the Board accused the rally of attempting to “negatively influence the politics of America's most tolerant and progressive city.”
Tolerance, however, is reserved in San Francisco for those who agree with the sexual revolution and leftist political viewpoint. Assemblyman Mark Leno, D-San Francisco, said Battle Cry’s “intolerance” of sexual promiscuity, pornography, the drug culture and homosexual deviance is “obnoxious” and “disgusting” and should, therefore, not be tolerated. “They should get out of San Francisco,” he said.
Full story at Lifesite
At least they're trying to help us out. I took many a bus ride, standing, obviously pregnant, with able bodied men sitting nearby.
However, if they're not going to offer you a seat without a sign, they're not going to offer you one with a sign, either.
Posted by: Monika at March 23, 2006 12:23 PM--------------------------------------------