Months ago, members of some groups frantically attempted to obtain an abortion for a Nicaraguan during her pregnancy as she underwent treatment for cancer. The woman, Amalia, completed the treatment and just recently gave birth (the child, however, died soon after being born).
In spite of the outcry by abortionist organizations in February against the rejection of abortion by Amalia's doctors, her husband says they are happy with the treatment she has received. However, Amalia is reportedly devastated by the loss of her child because "she was so excited about her pregnancy."
Rejoicing over the pregnancy was apparently not among the abortion lobby's sentiments (easily inferred from the unrelenting efforts to have the unborn baby killed). But wait, now that the baby is dead, the abortion-happy fellas are expressing concern that the chemotherapy may have harmed the baby that they themselves were eager to fatally harm! that the baby has died, abortionist groups are reportedly demanding that an autopsy be done, paradoxically threatening legal action if the chemotherapy given to Amalia is found to have harmed her child.
You really can't help but wonder about these people who, incidentally, advocate...uh, the right to choose.
At least Amalia's husband seems to be unfazed by the out-of-this-world demand.
"I don't know that they are going to do an autopsy, but that should be a decision of the family," he stated.
According to the article, Amalia will continue her treatment on an outpatient basis.
Full article and background information at LifeSiteNews

Shodding a pig (or piglet) in boots is silly. But it sure is cute! I don't know what the connection is between this photo and the article above... I guess that shodding a pig and what the abortion groups are doing are both senseless. But at least the former is cute.
I guess the lengths to which people against human rights for the unborn go to advance their cause -- and the obvious lack of logic in their thinking process -- is so serious, I wanted to lighten the mood with the help of a charming animal.