That's Claudia Sofia Bozgan gracing the cover of Baby magazine's May issue, photographed by Ralph Alejandrino on the balcony of his home studio. I had never though

t about bubbles as much as when we had that pictorial. They are a challenge to navigate!
Go here! More there! No, they're covering Sofia's face...! Perfect... oh, but she's looking down... Now! Now! She's smiling! Ang bagal naman lumabas ng bubbles
, nyar, nyar...!Then we got the shot you see on the cover. (By the way, I don't know yet how to edit photos, so the washed-out version stays for now. I assure you, the real thing looks much better)
I don't remember mentioning it here, but a few months ago we got an email from a mom who was lamenting the fact that she couldn't spend as much time as she wanted to with her baby, and it felt like the little one was growing up without her. Of course she would be with him at the end of each day, but that was in the evening after she got home from work. Sometimes she'd be fast asleep by the time she arrived home and she'd simply cradle her in her arms.
This situation that many parents find themselves in is what prompted us to devote a good number of pages of the Mother's Day issue to moms who are in business. Hopefully, readers will get ideas from them and be equipped with the know-how (as well as the courage) to pursue their own business ventures someday. This is our way of helping all you moms who yearn to find a way to spend more time with your families yet need to earn a living. You'll also find information about agencies and schools that offer entrepreneurship courses in this issue, such as the TLRC, UP-ISSI, and the Phil. Center for Entrepreneurship.
Now, to give you mommy readers a bit of fun, we have some contests between the pages, which will get you thinking. It's the Mother's Day Giveaway and we have companies such as
Roots and Wings Trading, Procreation, Perfumeria Espanol, Urban Spa, Playtex and OMF Literature to thank for their participation.
Funky Feet is also providing some really charming baby socks (which I
blogged about briefly a couple of days ago) as instant prizes!
I haven't even talked about the topics covered in this issue besides the "mom-preneurs" feature. Well, you'll just have to get a copy then :-)