As has been the case with past issues of the magazine, putting together Baby's December issue "fell into place" as far as synergy of topics was concerned. Along the way, I noted that there would be a story on helping a friend or a family member overcome a miscarriage, and another about dad of 6 Paul Perez -- whose brood happens to have a little boy who has been undergoing chemotherapy treatment since he was 3.
Then there's the interview with Tina Alejandro, an old schoolmate of mine, whose thirtysomething-year-old family business Papemelroti is a strong as ever (she's the "ti" in "Papemelroti"). The story isn't about the business, though, but about o

ne experience she recounted to writer Nicole Bautista when she volunteered to keep a cancer-afflicted little boy company in a hospital. Needless to say, it's a very moving story (Nicole's talent at narrating is exceptional). Given that Christmas here has developed into a highly commercial occasion that sometimes ignores the real significance of the season, I wanted to include at least one article that would keep readers grounded and remind them (us all, actually) that the newborn King in the manger is central to this yearly celebration and gift-giving. And Tina's story was it.
This is beginning to look like a tearful issue, I thought when nearly all the stories were in,
and who wants tearful for Christmas -- a time for rejoicing?Then came the writeup about a couple who had waited 13 years for the wife to finally conceive. Icon, the fruit of the 13-year wait, turns one this month. Talk about stories with happy endings =)
There's lots to read in this issue -- my favorite is the photo-heavy spread on how to convert "junk" into toys. You'll just have to get your own copy if you want to know what's beyond the cover you see here (y the way, I'd love to know what you think of it). That's 12-month-old Andrea Isabelle Limbo gracing our cover, as photographed by Ralph Alejandrino.