More photos from elsewhere in the world taken during this year's annual March for Life and the activities that surrounded the occasion. The ones you see here are of Rock For Life's training weekend (Jan. 20-23).

Comments from some of those who took part in the event:
I loved our prayer presence at the pro-abortion rally Sunday evening and seeing about four times as many pro-lifers there as abortion supporters. Another cool thing was not being able to get into the youth Mass at the MCI Center because it was already filled with 22,000 young people. We were directed to a parish a few blocks away, which was also overflowing. What a wonderful problem to have when there are so many pro-lifers!
-Mary TThis weekend was so amazing. I thought last year was awesome, but this year definitely topped it. I loved how we had so many opportunities to actually go out and do stuff like talk to people on the streets while handing out literature, sing in front of the Supreme Court and Planned Parenthood, and just totally be a witness for Christ. It was such an uplifting yet humbling weekend. I got the spiritual fix that I needed but at the same time I was humbled and grateful for the life that I was given. Thank you so much for all your hard work, you guys rock my world :)
-Nadyne ZHere is where you'll find more photos, and to read a brief recap of the training weekend, go here. Still more on this page.
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