Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Quietly speaking out for LIFE

There were approximately 800 people who took part in the Human Chain for Life, Decency & Morality last Feb. 15, which was one of the major activities that marked Pro-Life Month in the Philippines. Here's one of the photos I took, upon the request of the cops who provided assistance during the event on Commonwealth Avenue in Quezon City. "Ma'am, kami naman...pwede mo bang kunan ng picture? (...what about us...can you take a picture of us?)" they quietly but cheerily requested.

There are loads of photos but we've yet to sort through them! Besides, all the news can be read at the Pro-Life Phils. site in the next few days. So check back once in a while.

Here's another photo from the event, showing two of our foreign guests -- Denise Mountenay (left) and Luana Stoltenberg, both post-abortive women who are now active in advocacy work for women who have been hurt by abortion. Denise is founder and president of Canada Silent No More while Luana is the Iowa State representative of Operation Outcry.

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