Today, January 22, is the anniversary of the 1973 Roe vs. Wade decision at the US Supreme Court. This decision decriminalized the intentional killing of a pre-born human being.
Don't forget tomorrow's 33rd March for Life, the biggest annual pro-life event in the United States!
"On the 33rd anniversary of the Supreme Court's infamous Roe v. Wade decision, the 33rd annual March for Life begins at Noon, Monday, January, 23, 2006," announced Nellie Gray, president, March for Life Fund. Gray said that thousands of pro-life Americans will rally at the Mall and 7th Street for a program, and then March for Life along Constitution Avenue to the Supreme Court and Congress.
"The March for Life is a peaceful demonstration -- an annual reminder to all of Washington officialdom that it must overturn Roe v. Wade which decriminalized the intentional killing of a pre-born human.
The Supreme Court cannot, and did not, legalize the killing of pre-borns. But Roe v. Wade did unleash on our beloved country the feminists/abortionist' evil agenda of 'choice' to kill pre-born humans, and did begin the slippery slope to decriminalize infanticide, euthanasia, assisted suicide, fetal research and more evil. History records our own lamentable experience with slavery and our seeing the Nazi slippery slope from so-called 1935 Nuremberg laws, through years of 'final solution' horrors, to reality of accountable at Nuremberg Trials," Gray said.
"President Bush is invited," Gray said. "We pledge support to stop this home-grown terrorism of persons and public and private officials participating in the intentional killing of an estimated 4,000 preborn humans each day."
It is expected that some Members of Congress and others will speak at the rally, including: Sen. Sam Brownback, and Rep. Christopher H. Smith (R-N.J.), Jeff Fortenbury, (R-Neb.), W. Todd Akin (R-Mo.), Todd Tiahart (R-Kan.), Steve Chabot (R-Ohio), Melissa Hart (R-Pa.), Mike Pence (R-Ind.), Steve King (R-Iowa), Mike Fergerson (R-N.J.), Scott Garrett (R- N.J.), and Jeanne Schmidt (R-Ohio).
The theme of this 33rd annual March for Life is: Roe v. Wade Violates the American Way.
Read the rest at ProLifeBlogs.com
** Photo: Lennart Nilsson, from A Child is Born
4 months old, 16 cm (about 6 1/2 inches) long. When the feet and toes are partially developed, it is the legs' turn to grow. The spiral shape of the umbilical cord is caused by the fact that the two arteries and the vein are longer than the sheath in which they are contained -- an ingenious safety device for lively fetuses!
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